#4 Learn New Field Care Techniques
It’s an unfortunate truth that the work isn’t over once you bag an animal. Every responsible hunter should continually work to improve their field dressing, blood trailing, and meat processing skills — whether through online tutorials, books/magazines, or tagging along with seasoned veterans. There are always new techniques to master in order to get the most out of your harvest.
#5 Introduce Someone New to Hunting
Passing on our outdoor traditions to the younger generation helps ensure the future of the sport we love. Make it a point this year to introduce hunting to someone new - take your son or daughter, niece or nephew, or a newcomer friend. Teaching others not only the “how-tos” of hunting but also the deeper lessons on conservation and respect for nature is a rewarding experience.
#6 Find Your Perfect Hunting Location with HLRBO
If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to discover new hunting grounds across the country, HLRBO can help make it happen. Specify your desired state, budget, dates, and type of hunt. HLRBO will search its premier leases in top territories like Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Missouri to match your criteria. They provide flexibility with year-long leases as well as monthly, weekly, daily, and seasonal rentals.
HLRBO will send you lease options fitting your specifics. If interested, contact the land owner directly with any questions or to secure your hunt. Make 2023 the year you explore a new territory out of your comfort zone and finally bag that trophy whitetail! Get started on your search today.